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- 1900 The Story of Baden-Powell - 'The Wolf That Never Sleeps', by Harold Begbie
- 1900 Baden-Powell the Hero of Mafeking by W. Francis Aitken published
- 1910 The Chief Scout by by W. Francis Aitken published
- 1924 The Piper of Pax, by Eileen K. Wade
- 1924 The Chief Scout, by W.J.Batchelder
- 1933 Lessons from the Varsity of Life, by Lord Baden-Powell
- 1933 Lessons of a Lifetime, by Lord Baden-Powell
- 1939 Baden-Powell, by R.H. Kiernan
- 1942 Baden-Powell, by E.E.Reynolds
- 1943 Baden-Powell, by Eileen K.Wade
- 1943 B-P, by E.E.Reynolds
- 1955 The Baden-Powell Story, by Geoffrey Bond
- 1964 Baden-Powell--The Two Lives of a Hero, by William Hillcourt (Green Bar Bill) with Olave Baden-Powell
- 1966 Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of The World, by Wyatt Blassingame
- 1969 Scouting With Baden-Powell, by Russell Freedman, Holiday House: New York
- 1969 The Gilwell Story, by Rex Hazlewood
- 1971 Olave Baden-Powell: the Authorized Biography of the World Chief Guide, by Eileen K. Wade
- 1972 The World Chief Guide - Lady Baden-Powell, by Eileen K. Wade
- 1973 The Founding Of The Boy Scouts As Seen Through The Letters Of Lord Baden-Powel
- 1974 Petticoat in Mafeking, by John F. Midgley
- 1975 The Chief : the Life story of Robert Baden-Powell by Eileen K. Wade
- 1975 Baden-Powell, The Man Who Lived Twice, by Mary Drewery
- 1982 The Brownsea Story, by William Hillcour
- 1986 The Character Factory: Baden-Powell and the Orifins of the Boy Scout Movement, by Michael Rosenthal
- 1987 Mowgli's Sons : Kipling and Baden-Powell's Scouts, by Hugh Brogan
- 1989 Baden-Powell, by Pauline York Brower (kuvakirja).
- 1989 Baden-Powell, by Tim Jeal
- 1990 Robert Baden-Powell, by Julia Courtney.
- 1990 The Boy-Man, by Tim Jeal
- The Scout's Life of Baden-Powell, by W.J. Batchelder and David Balfour
- Be Prepared - The Story of Baden-Powell, by W.J. Batchelder and Balfour
- Twenty-seven Years With Baden-Powell, by Eileen K. Wade
- 1923 Blazing the Trail: being wise saws and modern instances from the works of the Chief Scout. Collected by Laura Holt (C. A. Pearson)
- 1941 B-P's Outlook: Selections from Lord Baden-Powell's contributions to ”The Scouter” (C. A. Pearson)
- 1951 Adventuring with Baden-Powell: Selected and articles
- William Hillcourt Olave Baden-Powell: "-", Sankarin kaksi elämää, s. -. -. Partio oy, 1992. ISBN 951-829-368-6.